Monday, December 28, 2009

New Girl and Picture Stories

Felicity arrived! She came out looking very pretty and Rebecca grumpily took her to her room. She definitely was not so happy about the whole thing. Felicity asked Rebecca if she could give her a tour, but Rebecca simply said, "No way, Jose." Felicity frowned and said, "Who is Jose?"

Tomorrow I will put up a picture story about the new girl if I can. It will come up soon anyhow. Felicity and I are getting along anyhow. So it will be all about Felicity.



  1. Say hello to Felicity for me! I'm glad you two are getting along. Hopefully Rebecca and she will become more comfortable with one another.

  2. Ooh how exciting! Felicity is ah-dorable! I'm excited to see a picture. Hopefully Rebecca and Lissie will get along soon!
    Spencer (Mia's owner)

  3. I love Felicity!!! Aren't her eyes beautiful!!! :) I'm also excited for your pictures!!! I think Felicity is easy to get along with here. :)
    Lola Bean-
    Thanks for commenting all the time!! :) It makes me happy!
