Thursday, December 24, 2009


I was tagged by Lola! I think this will be interesting:
By Rebecca

1. List seven songs your into right now.
a) Magic by Selena Gomez
b) Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer
c) Frosty the Snowman
d) The Vivaldi Concerto in G Minor by Vivaldi
e) The Nutcracker by Tchaikovsky
f) Let it Snow! (Please?)
g) Only because Neela's obsessed with it, a song called Bommali that is played in the house for, like, a million hours a week! It's annoying but it's a good song.
2. What car do you want when your older?
When I'm older, it will be the 1920's or 30's back home. Ruthie warned me about the depression, but I'll be an actress, so I guess I would want a limo.
3. Where do you want to live when you get older?
4. Where would you want to go to college?
Um......something in New York, perhaps?
5. How many siblings do you have?
6. How many children do you want when you grow up?
None or one.
7. Boys or girls?
8. City girl or country girl?
City girl.
9. Flying or driving?
10. Biking or swimming?
11. Sports?
Eh, not much. I've always like hopscotch and jump rope and swimming.
12. Books or movies?
Movies, but I like both a whole lot.
13. Schools or chores?
That's a toughy.....schools, I suppose.
14. Inside or outside?
15. Wednesday or Sunday?
16. Friends or family?
Friends usually, but I love my family more.
17. Fried or scrambled eggs?
18. Pancakes or cereal?
19. Big meal or something small?
20. Movie or T.V. show?
21. Favorite thing to do outside?
Take walks.
22. Favorite meal?
Latkes with sour cream and a side of salad.
23. Place to read a good book?
The school parlor.
24. Favorite vegetable?
Broccoli. I don't understand why people hate it so.
25. Where do you want to live when you graduate??
Los Angeles.
26. What time of day do you like best???
Late afternoons.

27. What is your favorite flower????

28. Do you like Writing????

29. What is your favorite month????
May, my birthday month!

30. Do you like adventure????
31. Do you collect anything??? If so, what do you collect????
Yes, I collect movie posters.

32. Do your grandparents live near you????
Yes, at home, not here though.

33. Are you bored of this???
A little, but this is pretty fun! And muy facil.

And I tag Avery-here, and Mari Luna's Wonderful Blog!


  1. Hi Rebecca,
    I got tagged too, isn't it fun!?!? I am now following you :) Awesome blog, thanks for commenting and following!

  2. I love all those songs!!! Thanks for doing the tag and commenting on my blog!!! :) I hope you had a great Christmas!
    Lola Bean :)
