Sunday, January 31, 2010

Saving Up

Srujana is now officially trying to save up to buy a Just Like You, number 12 on the online page, or Kit. She has $133, but she is trying to save that up for something else, so for a doll, she has $13. She's working hard, she helped train her sisters book club for a competition and helped her practice violin. She does not know what else to do. She is not really allowed to get a job, since she's too young or something along the lines of that. Any ideas?
Anyways, today was Ruthie's birthday! We hung up birthday streamers and sat her in the folding chair and sang "Happy Birthday to You!"
I gave Ruthie a scrap of red wrapping paper with glittery pink flowers all rolled up around a bracelet. Ruthie is basically my second best friend here, after Gwen. I will put up pictures some time in February, because the camera is working on and off.

1 comment:

  1. I think you should really get Kit!!! Or Lanie if you like her. Or #39. Whatever you want!!! :) LOL :) I think you should save the remaining money up for if you ever got to the AG place anywhere to get like- the bubble skirt. (which is adorable if you don't already have it) thanks for commenting on my blog!!! Do you have a Picasa???
    Lola Bean :)
