Monday, March 8, 2010

Sonali Is Mean

Sonali is so mean! She actually shoved leaf lettuce into my mouth when she knows how much I hate it. She is a big traitor. She's as bad as Benedict Arnold. Okay, not as bad, but gosh is she horrible! As soon as she did that, I felt my face grow warm. Everyone in the lunchroom was staring me down. Julie helped me out and I spat out the leaf lettuce and we decided on how to get revenge. Sonali will not like it at all. Not one bit.


  1. oh dear I have heard that Rebecca dolls can be very mean. D: don't be too mean Becca!

  2. Sounds like you have been having issues with your friends, or unfriends it seems .. sorry about that ..

    Check out our blog, we will have some contests for high tops from Mama's store soon.

    Ta Ta Ha Ha,
