Sunday, March 7, 2010

Another Day

It was another pretty day yesterday. The sun was out and shining. The breakfast was yucky, but can you help that lite microwave popcorn with leaf lettuce and round beef and a choice of orange juice or coffee or buttermilk is just not very appetizing? Kaya pushed her plate away and just picked out the beef and popcorn. She looked suspiciously at the leaf lettuce and did not ask for a drink. She seems to not be eating well. Rebecca was so mean.
"Kaya, why are you not eating?"
"I am eating."
"You are ignoring your leaf lettuce. Don't you know it supplies folic acid??"

I could tell Kaya did not understand one word. I stood up, and told Rebecca;
"You are such a bully! Don't you know Kaya has not tried any of this food before, is just surviving in her English, and is trying to make friends the best she can? Just leave her alone!"
And with that I walked out on her after shoving leaf lettuce into her mouth. She hates leaf lettuce herself actually, and I still can hardly believe I did that. But no one told on me. Kaya later told me;
"I am sorry you that for me."
"That's OK."
"We friends?"
"Yes. Officially." And we shook hands. So Kaya came over yesterday and we increased her vocabulary by a million words. She can now greet, tell time and seasons, count, tell what she likes and dislikes, tell where something is, tell what she likes, tell what is in the classroom, tell what classes she has, and she can name a bunch of foods. So her English is improving, but my relationship with Rebecca is not. What can I do?

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