Sunday, June 6, 2010


Okay, so guess what Srajana will be getting next month?

She's not entirely sure, but here are the three choices;
1. Julie's School Lunchbox
2. Kit's Glassware and Linens
3. Kit's Produce and Preserve
Srajana wanted to get Kit's Holiday Baking Set. But she can't because she decided she would rather get something more useful. Most likely we will get Julie's school lunchbox. Sonali gets school lunch, but Kaya and Gwen can barely afford it. Gwen gets it twice a week because she works for the school to pay for the scholarship, but Kaya gets it every day and hates it. No one can bring their own meal from their dorms unless they go home for lunch, but only Lissie and I have a clock in our room. Lissie knows how to cook, so we have her food for lunch. Anyways, glassware and linens would be better than one plate for us all to share and measuring cups for spoons, and organic vegetables and fruits, as well as a strainer, apron, and mixing bowl, would all be nice for Neela, since she is learning to cook Indian food, because she can't stand the food here, but necessities come first. A lunchbox for Kaya, a thermos for Gwen, cupcakes, sandwiches, and chips, and soup every day available is our first priority. Right now, the only thing they serve is this creme de la coconut or tomato, and sandwiches, sometimes watercress, or lettuce and tomato.
Well, I guess that is it. Bye!

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