Kaya is a very pretty doll. Long black hair, smooth vinyl, a nice smile, and beautiful eyes. So Srajana decided to make her this pretty summer skirt. It will be orange and flowery, with ruffles until the bottom. Kaya is very excited because the only things she had to wear were her normal clothes, and a green t-shirt and pair of flats. I have a lot of clothes, so I gave her that t-shirt and pair of flats. She wears the green t-shirt with her Native American dress every day, and a pair of flats, but it's kind of messed up with styles. She looks best in the Native American dress-it is absolutely gorgeous! The skirt will look amazing on her though! And we will try to get pictures up by the end of June, but it's not likely that they will come up soon because of certain glitches in Srajana's camera and sewing. Hopefully by June 30-ish......................Oh my gosh! Like two weeks of school left! Eeeeekkk!!!!!!!!!!!! It was supposed to end on Friday of next week, but all because of REBECCA, we have one more week. You SEE, Kaya finally decided to tell Miss Principal Acres that we had been bullied by Rebecca and Julie. Miss Acres talked to Rebecca, who said that we were being rude to her and making her do all sorts of things, so she had to be mean. Soon, the whole school was tied in. Even Gwen, who would never get involved in that sort of thing, and NEELA! So, this is exactly what Principal Acres said.
"Students! It has come to my attention that bullying has happened excessively over the past months. And NO! That will NOT be tolerated. And because of that, and because we have no idea who did what and what happened when and when what happened where, we will punish ALL the students by adding one more week of school. And let me tell you, it won't be movies and popcorn, but rigorous studying and work. Finals may be over, but the year is not done yet! Any questions still? Yes, Julie?"
"What about the students who were not involved?"
"ALBRIGHT! This school seems like a place where bullying is an everyday thing. It does not matter if you were involved, or not involved. Everyone will be punished, and that is that."
I looked at Kaya. She whispered in my ear what she thought she heard.
"ALBRIGHT! This school like a where is an everyday. You, or not. And is."
I sighed. Even though Kaya is learning more every day, she still does not know a lot. Maybe the extra school is good for her.