Friday, January 28, 2011

School Program

We're having a school program! It's so exciting. We have auditions coming up. Everyone gets a part. The program is Alice in Wonderland, and I really want the part of Alice. I flipped through our last school programs, and I smiled at the memories.

Monday, January 17, 2011


Reading Town Hall Exterior a little city.....

I practiced my French pavane. The picture is not mine, by the way. The piece is really pretty, but the rhythm is complicated. This is Ruthie, by the way. Sonali and I want to try to play the piece together as a duet. Sonali plays flute, for those of you that don't know.

Well, I have to go. I'm just bored. Bye!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

KAYA CAME BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry. Not much time for pictures. Kaya is back, and I am listening to my Mp3 player. Here, she wants to write something.

Hi! I'm here! I am very happy to be back. My English is good now. I am happy to be back with all my friends and Sravana, and happy to write here.

That's what Kaya says. I hate to discredit her, though, but the English teacher helped her a lot.

No! Sonali........

Sonali and Kaya